How to earn $10 a day online using only Free Tools?

Most people are fearful to start making money online.

What if I could teach you to earn $10 a day online?

You will be using free tools only which are available online. There will be zero investment of money by you. You will be investing your time only to start earning money for free.

Since this is free, most people do not make the commitment to keep doing the multiple steps needed to create a structure to automatically start earning online at least $10 a day.

That is $300 a month.

There will be lot of steps to be taken by you to run your business efficiently in the time available.

To restrict the access to action takers only, I want you to complete a task first. I also will earn some money from you and share knowledge on earning money.

Then I will send you a PDF file with a series of steps to take action.

Step 1 Create a (Free) new General email for your business.

Step 2 Use the the above email to join the survey site below.

Click the image below and Join this free survey site.

Step 3 After joining you will have to keep filling many forms to describe your profile. As you keep filling this create an excel (or equivalent) profile file of what you are filling.

After completing your first paid survey send an email to 
quora help at moneygeneratingskills dot com with screen shot of successful survey completion.
(Change it into normal email format)

As you wait for my reply, keep doing the following steps to use your time effectively.

These are demographic data and may not earn you money. Based on this demographic data the site will offer paying surveys. 

The survey payments are small. 

Instead the surveys filling are more important free education for you on building customer profiles.

Deeper insight you have on customers and their profiles while filling surveys, the better you will become in earning money easily.

Your most important competitive advantage will be your customer insights knowledge.

I suggest you keep filling surveys to gain this insight.

Step 4 Create 3 different free email from the following. 

This will be separate from your primary email. 
You will use your primary email to collect money only and not for any thing else.

Go to and search for even more free emails whenever you want.

Free email 1 - Business email (Email for customers only- If you are not receiving emails here then you are not making enough efforts)
Free email 2 - General email ( you will use where you will receive all your spam emails - This email you would have used for joining survey site)
Free email 3 - Business promotion email (You will subscribe for knowledge with this email. All social media accounts also will be here. If you have used some other email, then change to this email)

Step 5 Create 5 directories in each of your emails for better control of information.
As you run your business, you will receive thousands of emails every day.
1. Passwords
2. Important emails
3. Prospects
4. Separate folders for each knowledge sharing source.(one folder for me separately)
5.Separate folders for social medias like facebook, twitter etc.

Step 6 Create separate folders in your desktop or laptop for the following
1. reports downloaded
2. Content written by you
3. Content from others
4. Images created by you
5. Images received from others
6. PLR reports for sharing with others
7. Important files
8. Email templates
9. Social media templates

Step 7 Visit this free site below to know how to edit images easily.
You can also create text based images also here.

Get free images from for use in the editor

Show yourself as an action taker and start getting support from me on your growth.

This survey site does not pay cash and pays vouchers to encash it sites like Flipcart, Lifestyle,etc.,

India only survey site. Click below to join free

Opinion World [CPL] IN
